careful ye lagi2 org pompuan

tadi tengah aku cek email nampak la satu email ni

mungkin ada yg dah tau tapi saje aku tepek sini nak share
sebab aku tatau lagi psl ni
andai katalah... (sebenarnya mintak jauh la) time kita nak withdraw duit kt atm tu tetiba ada pencurik kt belakang kita, tambah2 pulak tonyoh pisau ke mintak duit yg tengah kita nak kluarkan tu... ape yg kita nak buat?
so ni tipnya (aku copy paste saje sbb malas)
kalau lah ditakdirkan kita tak panik saat menghadapi saat getir camni pun dah besar rahmat kan?..

Subject: When Robber Force you take money from ATM

When a robber forces you to take money from the ATM, do not argue or
resist. You might not know what he or she might do to you. What you
should do is to punch your PIN in the reverse mode.
I.e. if your PIN # is 1254, you punch 4521.

The moment you punch in the reverse mode, the money will come out, *but*
will be stuck into the machine half way out and it will alert the
Police (security) without the notice of the robber

Every ATM has it; it is specially made to signify danger and help. Not
everyone is aware of this.

info tambahan : tp kalu kita dah tertekan no pin baru kena ugut tu mmg x dpt nak nolong la kan. bagi je la duit tu kt dia, dari hilang nyawa. kita tatau spesis2 longkang camni sanggup buat ape saje utk duit... jadi hati2 la ye kengkawan sume, terutamanya kaum pompuan


gadisBunga™ said...


kalau nak try system dia sesaja je agak2 kene masuk lokap tak?

momyluna said...

wsalam gb..kalu pompuan try test tak kot, dpt berkenalan ngn pak guard ngn pak polisi lagik ada..heee try le