aku dan kije

meh dengar meh, saje nak bersajak sket

tajuk nya ME and MY BOSS

when i take a long time to finish
i am slow
when my boss takes a long time
he is thorough

when i don't do it
i am lazy
when my boss does not do it
he is busy

when i do something without being told
i am trying to be smart
when my boss does the same
he takes the initiative

when i make a mistake
i am an idiot
when my boss makes mistake
he's only a human

when i am out of the office
i am wondering around
when my boss is out of the office
he's on business

when i am on a day off sick
i am always sick
when my boss is a day off sick
he must be very ill

when i do good
my boss never remembers
when i do wrong
he never forgets

kesian kan sape dapat boss camni... kesian jugak kat batang hidung sendiri sebenarnya.
nak buat camne, dah nama pun orang bawahan, nak tanak amek je la oder. kije kasik setel cepat2 jangan banyak munyik

dah-dah pi sambung buat kije cepat

ps : wat to do la wey.. ni baru mc sehari