
Ceh, tajuk gempak semacam. tak bukan peknen ye kak non2 sekelian.

Tadi masa lunch kuar jap p klinik annur amik result pap smear yang aku buat last week.
Alhamdullilah, resultnya positive.
Dah 8 tahun kawen, baru ni aku buat test ni. Dah lama nak buat tapi asyik tangguh2, tak padahal bukan lama pun sekejap je.
Tapi kan, masa aku buat khamis last week, jumaat sampai ke sabtu tu rasa cramp semacam tang bawah perut. Perut plak rasa membengkak, boncit semacam. Hari ni baru ok.
At first, memang rasa malu dan rasa tak tergamak nak p jumpa doc semata-mata nak buat test ni tapi bila pikir2 balik come on la kan...pencegahan awal tu kan penting..tak gitu?
Ni ada sket info berkenaan test ni, sharing kan caring..

the procedure

How the test is performed?
You will lie on a table and place your feet in stirrups to position your pelvis for examination. The health care provider will insert instrument (speculum) into your vagina and open it slightly to see inside the vaginal canal.
The health care provider will take sample of cells from the outside and just inside the opening of the cervix by gently scrapping the outside of the cervix with a wooden or plastic spatula, then inserting a small brush that looks like a pipe clener into the canal.
The cells are placed on a glass slide or put in a bottle containing a preservative, and then sent to the lab for examination.
How to prepare for the test
tell your health care provider if you:
* are taking any medication
* have had an abnormal pap smear
* might be pregnant
within 24 hours of the test, avoid:
* douching
*having intercourse
* taking a tub bath
* using tampons
Avoid scheduling your pap smear while you have your period. empty your bladder just before the test.
How the test will feel?
You may have some discomfort, similar to menstrual cramps and a feeling of pressure during the procedure. You may bleed a little bid after the test.
Why the test is performed?
The pap smear can detect cancerous conditions of the cervix. Screening should start within 3 years after first having vaginal intercourse or by age 21. after the first test:
* woman should have a pap smear ever 2 years to check for cervical cancer
* if you are over age 30 or your pap smear have been negative for 3 times in a row, your doctor may tell you that you only need a pap smear every 3 years.
Normal Result
A normal value is negative, meaning there are no abnormal cells present
What about abnormal results mean?
the current system divides teh abnornal results into these main areas:
* ASCUS or AGUS, mean there are precancerous changes present
* LSIL (low grade dysplasia) or HSIL (high grade dysplasia), means precancer changes are likely to be present
* Carcinoma in situ (CIS), means the abnormal changes are likely to progress to cancer
There are no risks involved
So, kak non2 sekelian and to those mommies out there yang tak buat lagi test ni, p la buat ye


Mazni said...

nyah, mak mati2 igt ko peknen...tajuk....very de vassss...btw, aku ari tu pun ada rasa senak bwh perut, nak jalan pun sakit, so g klinik, dr wat appointment utk ultra sound n pap smear sbb aku lps bsalin Dhia tak wat dah, dah 2 tahun setengah....tup2 ari appointment, bendera daaa....kena la hold...harap2 everything ok lah...

momyluna said...

apesal tetiba senak tu mas? telebih exercise ngn cik epoi kot? haha..ape2 pun baik la p check utk kepastian dan ketenangan pikiran. psl peknen tu kalu ikut hasrat di hati tu mmg nak cik mas oi tp keadaan blum mengizinkan la skang ni. xpe..cik mas tambah la dulu, nnti sy menyusul kendian